1st week
- Added a new section for computing depth map using stereo matching
- Studied the method of depth map fusion using a cost volume of a regular voxel grid
- Added new details for minimizing the first-order primal dual algorithm from @chambolle2011first
- Tested Gallup implementation of local stereo matching using SAD in CUDA
2nd week
- Studying Dense Tracking and Mapping (DTAM) implementation by @newcombe2010dtam
- Base mesh is build over sparse point cloud from PTAM by the polygonalization of the function's zero level set of a function $f$ fit to the data points
- Model predictive optical flow using projected images from the base model
- Use of dense TVL1 optical flow implementation to track pixels
- Mesh optimization using scene flow to compute vertex updates which lie in the ray from the reference camera intersecting the base model vertex
3rd week
- Added documentation about Scene Flow and Optical Flow by @vedula1999sceneflow
- Put some glue to all ideas making a new introduction to the main framework based on vector spaces over fibrations
4th week
- Testing feature tracking based on FAST detector combined with fast matching using ZNCC search
- ORB and FAST feature detectors are tested in the GPU. Both are fast and more stable than the
5th week
- Removed submodule dependencies from OpenCV and OpenMVG: they increases project complexity and at currently they are not modified
- In fact, QtCreator does not recognize the OpenCV INCLUDEPATH using submodules
- Debugging triangulation procedures to reduce the high Mean Reprojection Error (from 1000 to less than 1.0!)